
Beware of Scams Exploiting the Digital38 Name

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Digital 38 is compelled to address the public regarding unauthorized individuals falsely claiming to represent the company and engaging in fraudulent activities. This notice serves as a stern warning to all, shedding light on the deceptive tactics employed by dubious accounts on social networking sites misusing the company’s name for scam activities.

Digital 38 clarifies that it neither authorizes nor engages in the recruitment of individuals for commissions or any related job scams. The company has identified suspicious accounts leveraging its name for fraudulent activities, indicating a concerning trend on various social platforms.

Digital 38 makes it explicitly clear that it does not engage in investment activities on platforms such as Telegram, and any claims suggesting otherwise are false. The company urges the public to verify investment opportunities associated with its name and report any suspicious activities immediately.

Official Application Channels:

To maintain transparency and ensure the legitimacy of applications, Digital 38 accepts job applications exclusively through its official websites – and Prospective employees are advised to steer clear of unauthorized recruitment channels.

Repeat Offenses and Past Notices:

This unfortunate incident isn’t the first time Digital 38 has been dragged into fraudulent activities. The company has previously issued notices to alert the public about similar scams. Interested individuals can find more information and past warnings by following the links below:

Digital 38 urges individuals who have encountered or experienced similar fraudulent activities not to click on any links provided by the dubious accounts. Instead, the public is encouraged to report such instances to relevant authorities promptly. Additionally, individuals can reach out to Digital 38 directly through this link to share any information related to these scams.