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Facebook Custom Audiences 101: Guide for Online Businesses

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Facebook’s best feature when it comes to advertising is the Facebook Custom Audiences. It allows retargeting of people who already have interacted with your business or ads before.

And the more you know about the audience you’re advertising to, the better your ads will likely perform. When you market to a Custom Audience, you will know exactly who is viewing your ads, and your messaging can be targeted with high precision. This will help you increase your conversion rates and get a better return on investment.

Advantages of Using Facebook Custom Audiences

This allows you to select a very specific target. Resulting in better and more optimised ads.

  1. Grow your Facebook audience

With this, you can create to help build your reach. Create a Custom Audience of people who’ve recently visited your website, then use that audience to run ads that will surely encourage them to follow you on Facebook.

  1. Upsell existing customers

Create a Custom Audience list of the people who already purchased something from you.  Then run ads on related products or accessories using a special time-sensitive promotion that will encourage them to buy again.

  1. Abandoned carts

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Photo Credits: Volusion

Follow up with the people who left items in their cart and target them for a Facebook ad before they forget to check that out.

  1. Sell to active subscribers

Prioritize improving your conversion rate by selling to active subscribers. The ones who subscribed to your list also actively open your emails. This means that they like it enough to subscribe to your list and regularly want to be updated.

  1. Customer Feedbacks

Feedback is very crucial to business owners. Regular feedback helps them ensure that their customers are happy. It can also be a great source for new ideas.

Utilise Facebook and follow up with buyers after their purchase to fill out a survey. To ensure more completed surveys, run a contest or giveaway to incentivize it.

  1. Build your email list

Photo Credits: CIO

Building your online businesses’ email list is a good idea. It’s the most effective way to keep in touch with possible clients and current ones.

Create a Facebook Custom Audience

There are several ways to create Custom Audiences on Facebook. You can:

  • upload a customer contact lists
  • use website visitor data
  • use offline event data
  • use data from how users engaged with you on Facebook or Instagram, such as watching a video you posted or visiting your business’ profile
  • build a Custom Audience with Shopify’s Facebook Marketing app

Once your Custom Audience is ready, it’s time to start advertising. Note that every time you create a new campaign, you’ll have the option to choose one of your Custom Audiences for targeting. You can also create a new Custom Audience at any time depending on your preference.

Looking for an expert to manage your brands’ social media accounts? Contact us and we’ll help you leverate your Social Media Marketing today.

About D38 Ecommerce Agency

D38 is a South East Asia-focused e-commerce agency that provides end-to-end e-commerce solutions to grow your business in the digital space and generate ongoing monthly revenue. Our e-commerce solutions range from website development, store management, logistics, CRM, customer loyalty programs, automated email marketing, SEO, marketing tools, product press-release (PR) to reputation management – helping international companies simplify e-commerce management across ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Our team consists of certified Shopify eCommerce experts, designers, developers, content creators, and strategists working together to support and provide a seamless online shopping experience for our clients’ eCommerce websites.

We also have a market-specific digital channels team focusing on providing support for LINE Thailand and Japan, Naver for Korea, and ZhaoVN for global Chinese readers for social news and updates.

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