Digital Marketing Guides

B2B: Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Marketing

B2B: Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Marketing | Digital 38

Find out why savvy brands rely on LinkedIn Marketing and Advertising Solutions when it comes to business-to-business strategies.  

The Power of LinkedIn  

In today’s modern society, social media platforms have become an essential aspect in a business’ growth. Sites such as Facebook and Instagram have helped thousands of small businesses flourish. Bigger and larger corporates also bank on Twitter in providing important updates to the public. Brands also tap homegrown social media apps in China like WeChat and Weibo when reaching out to Chinese speaking audiences.  

These social networking platforms have been the go-to in driving brand awareness, lead generation and even website traffic. There’s so much you can choose from, and sometimes it can get confusing as to which one will be suitable for your business goals.  

If you’re thinking of deploying business-to-business strategies, then you may consider LinkedIn. 

Basic Facts About LinkedIn  

Founded in 2003, LinkedIn is also one of the world’s leading social media platforms. What sets LinkedIn apart from other social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are its purpose and its userbase. 

LinkedIn is where professionals, including members of senior management and startup founders, frequent, looking to expand their network, boost their career, and drive their business’ growth.  

Here are some basic facts about LinkedIn that may interest you. 

  • As of 2021, its monthly active user base has reached 850 million (Statista).  
  • Surveys showed that 4 out of 5 LinkedIn users are key decision makers such as managers, business owners, and founders.  
  • LinkedIn has the highest lead generation rate among social networking sites, at 2.74% (Hootsuite).  

Marketing Solutions on LinkedIn 

As one of the largest virtual platforms where professionals gather and connect, LinkedIn has proven itself a powerful tool not only career-wise and for networking. But also, for brands looking to expand their presence, and ultimately their business.  

LinkedIn offers multiple marketing and advertising solutions, including tools that let you run your campaigns on the platform. Let’s take a quick run through in some of the most popular marketing and advertising products they have.  

  • Sponsored Content: These are ads that appear on the feed. It’s ideal for brands planning to build brand awareness among markets found in LinkedIn.  
  • Sponsored Messaging: They function similarly to email marketing. Sponsored Messaging Ads displayed and sent to the inbox of the target audience.  
  • Dynamic Ads: Automated ads that are personalized for your target audience.  
  • Text Ads: LinkedIn also has its version of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) tools. Text ads are triggered once a user types the matching keyword.  
  • Campaign Manager: In LinkedIn, you can also customise your campaign’s timeline and budget with the help of its Campaign Manager tool.  

Kickstart Your Business’ Growth with Digital 38  

Whether you want to drive brand awareness or generate quality leads, when it comes to B2B strategies, LinkedIn can have your back. And if you want to learn more about brands leveraging LinkedIn’s marketing and advertising solutions, read our articles below. 

You can also consult our team of digital marketing specialists. We have teams in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and China who can support your brand’s marketing goals anytime.  

Contact us today.

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