Digital Marketing GuidesLinkedIn Marketing

Shure Partners with Audio Experts in Malaysia for STEM Ecosystem

LinkedIn Digital Marketing: Shure Partners with Audio Experts in Malaysia for STEM Ecosystem | Digital 38

Global audio brand Shure has partnered with some of Malaysia’s audio experts for their latest LinkedIn digital marketing strategy to promote STEM Ecosystem.

Shure’s STEM Ecosystem is the latest product the Chicago-based audio specialist rolled out for consumers in Southeast Asia.  Shure collaborated with Malaysian audio distributors in helping spread the word about their STEM Ecosystem, their holistic audio-conference solution, to workplace managers and IT professionals.  

In doing so, they leveraged LinkedIn in reaching out to their target audiences. Teaser videos of STEM Ecosystem ran as video ads on the LinkedIn pages of their partner distributors. Anyone interested to learn more about it will then be redirected to a dedicated landing page that gives them the chance to request a demo.  

About Shure 

Founded in 1925, Shure is one of the world’s leading audio brands. Recently, they began amplifying their online presence in Southeast Asia. Aside from collaborating with distributors from Malaysia, they have also launched their official website for Singaporean consumers, and Shopee Mall – Malaysia store.  

Read more about Shure’s expansion in the ASEAN region by clicking the links to the articles below.  

LinkedIn & Digital Marketing  

LinkedIn is an essential component in every brand’s digital marketing plan, particularly when it comes to B2B approaches. But why? In case you’ve missed it, LinkedIn is not just a place where over 850 million professionals gather. It is also where members of senior management, supervisors, C-level executives, founders, and other key decision makers frequent. 

According to surveys, 4 out of 5 users on LinkedIn have the influence to drive business decisions.  

Additionally, marketers and brands alike have relied on LinkedIn for lead generation. LinkedIn boasts a lead generation rate of 2.74% (Hubspot), the highest among other social media platforms. Furthermore, around 40% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is the most effective channel when it comes to generating high-quality leads (Hootsuite).  

Jump Start You LinkedIn & Other Digital Marketing Plans  

If you want to know more on how to get started with LinkedIn for your brand, then you have come to the right place. Here in Digital 38, our team of digital marketing specialists can help you guide towards the right direction in coming up with your LinkedIn marketing plans.  

Headquartered in Singapore, we also have local teams in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and South Korea, Taiwan, and China, who can support you anytime. 

Contact us today to learn more.

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