Digital Marketing GuidesE-commerce

20 Ways to Get Shoppers Visit Your Website

D38 | Increase Website Traffic in 20 Ways 0202021Photo Credits: [email protected]

It is no joke running a business, especially when you’re selling your products across the web. Increase website traffic on your online shop in 20 ways. Read on to know more.

Here are the strategies that you should know to increase website traffic:

  • Tactic type – Short-term tactics deliver results faster but need more maintenance or reinvestment while Long-term tactics take longer to see results but require no maintenance that much.
  • Effort –How much time you’ll need to employ.
  • Time to return on investment (ROI) – See how long you’ll need to see that investment increase your traffic and sales.
  • Cost – The budget you’ll need to start the campaign.
  • Traffic potential – Total amount of traffic that your store can expect.

Create paid social media advertising campaigns

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To increase website traffic to your e-commerce store, you must gear up and show your potential buyers what you’re offering. Paid social media ads help you generate highly targeted campaigns that will help you find the customers who are most likely to purchase your products.

  1. Facebook ads

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest) : $ $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. It will help you reach new potential customers and direct them to your online store.

Facebook ad
Photo source: thenextscoop
  1. Instagram ads to increase website traffic

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

Instagram is a famous online platform so make sure to create an Instagram Business account in order for you to promote your products to IG audience. You can create Instagram ads using photos, videos, carousels, collections, and stories to increase website traffic to your store.

  1. Pinterest ads

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

Pinterest is usually visited when online users look for home decorating, renovating, landscaping, and DIY ideas. It has a form of paid advertising called Promoted Pins that pushes your Pins at the top of your customers’ search results, helping you get noticed.

  1. Google Ads

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $ $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

Google showcases your ad on either Google or YouTube. It also offers three ways to launch your ad on web browsers such as Search ads, Google Display Network, and YouTube ads.

Engage in conversation on social media

Digital 38 | Increase Website Traffic in 20 Ways Three girls media
Photo Credits: Three Girls Media

Social media engagement is all about sparks conversations with the people, who have the same interests as you.

  1. Encourage friends and family to share

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Medium
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J

Friends and family are the initial support that you can get and it helps generate initial brand or product awareness, increases website traffic, or even your first sale.

  1. Twitter tweets, be active!

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Leverage: Medium
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J

You don’t need to start selling products before you engage with people on Twitter. There are a lot of ways to get on someone’s radar as a cool new store.

Build your network by engaging with the Twitter audience:

  • Use Twitter Advanced Search and look for keywords related to your business in people’s tweets or bios.
  • Engage with key opinion leaders (KOL) and look for an opportunity to help them but will not sound like a sales pitch.
  1. Post your store to Reddit

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J

Reddit is a platform where there are a collection of forums and subforums. It is an opportunity where you can increase your campaign brand awareness and generate website traffic to your store because it’s a place where people talk about their passion and favorite topics.

reddit ads
Photo source: Reddit
  1. Create excitement through contests and giveaways

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Contests, giveaways, and other engaging activities that quickly drive traffic to your online store. It’s beneficial to current and new customers as well as to the seller. You can use Shopify, Woobox, Gleam, and many more in launching your activities.

  1. Draw them near via time-sensitive discounts

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Time-sensitive discounts are proven to be an effective way to get people to increase traffic and sales. The deadline for discounts can create an effect on the customers and trigger them to buy right away.

The power of influencer marketing

Photo Credits: Search Engine Journal

Influencer marketing uses influencers to drive more customers into buying your products. According to BrightLocal, 88% of people trust online reviews written by well-known people.

  1. Give free samples to IG influencers

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Instagram is known to be one of the most effective marketing channels for online businesses. Influencers and celebrities are highly trusted by their followers, so when they feature your products it will surely increase brand awareness and traffic.

  1. Reach out to bloggers and press

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Here are some blogger outreach notions to help generate traffic:

  • Guest post on other blogs
  • Solicit product reviews
  • Find affiliates to promote your business
  • Ask Instagram influencers to promote your product
  • Get press coverage
  1. Write an article featuring influencers and their feedback and advice

  • Tactic type: Short-term
  • Effort: Medium
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Write an article or blog post containing an influencer’s feedback and advice to post it on social media.

For example:

  1. Ask influencers their advice on a product.
  2. Create a master list of trustworthy voices in your niche.

Content Marketing Attracts Customers

Content marketing | D38
Photo source: ecommercetimes

Content marketing is about creating videos, podcasts, and many more that generates traffic. It can help you also land on search results beyond product and brand keywords.

  1. Write guides to provide information
  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: Medium
  • Time to ROI: Months
  • Cost (5 is the highest): 💰
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J J

Provide solutions to the problems that most people look for is the best method for a blog. Successful content marketing on a blog starts with two things:

  1. Figuring out who your ideal audience is.
  2. Creating content where your ideal audience would want to hang out.

14.  Create compelling podcasts

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: Medium
  • Time to ROI: Months
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J J

A lot of people listen to podcasts every week and it has increased over the last five years. Like blogging, podcasting gives an opportunity to cater and excel for a specific niche, targeting a custom audience.

  1. Create engaging videos

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Months
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J J

YouTube is the most popular channel for generating traffic and it is the second-largest search engine in the world.

Here are some video ideas you should use:

  • Educational content
  • Storytelling
  • Entertainment

Integrate SEO to improve discoverability

Photo Credits: Medium

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your website increase the chances of ranking high in the search results using relevant keywords.

  1. Match the search intent

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

The meta title is what the search engines display on their results page during search queries. We recommend you follow these when writing meta titles:

  • Create unique titles for each page
  • Keep page titles up to 50-60 characters only
  • Be consistent with the use of the title
  • Input your right target keyword
  • Ensure you match the search intent of the query

Meta title

  1. Write striking meta descriptions

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: Low
  • Time to ROI: Days
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J

A meta description is like the abstract of your content. Search engines showcase it on the results page.

What you need to remember:

  • Summarize the content on the page
  • Limit it to 145-150 characters
  • Write an eye-catching description
  • Be consistent across your site
  • Make it click-worthy!
  • Include the focus keyword in your description

Meta description

  1. Add related internal links

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J

Acquire external and internal links because they play an important role in helping pages rank in search engines.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Optimize your site structure for SEO
  • Add your external and internal link
  • Incorporate the link naturally on the authority page
  1. Incorporate long-tail keyword variations

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: Medium
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J J

Produce a keyword plan for your e-commerce website because it is important in generating organic traffic from search engines. Long-tail keywords are easier to rank and usually get more clicks from the search engines at a much higher rate.

Long tail keyword | D38

  1. Get noticed with rich snippets

  • Tactic type: Long-term
  • Effort: High
  • Time to ROI: Weeks
  • Cost (5 is the highest): $ $
  • Traffic potential (5 is the highest): J J J J

Rich snippets are useful for showcasing a particular product or site from the search results page without having to visit it.

Shopify already integrated structured data and rich snippets feature for your product pages:

Increasing website traffic to your online shop convert casual shoppers into paying customers. Check this out to learn more about increasing website traffic.

Need help increasing website traffic to your e-commerce store? Contact us and our experts will help you reach your potential customers and reach your online store goals.

About D38 Ecommerce Agency

D38 is a South East Asia-focused e-commerce agency that provides end-to-end e-commerce solutions to grow your business in the digital space and generate ongoing monthly revenue. Our e-commerce solutions range from website development, store management, logistics, CRM, customer loyalty programs, automated email marketing, SEO, marketing tools, product press-release (PR) to reputation management – helping international companies simplify e-commerce management across ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Our team consists of certified Shopify eCommerce experts, designers, developers, content creators, and strategists working together to support and provide a seamless online shopping experience for our clients’ eCommerce websites.

We also have a market-specific digital channels team focusing on providing support for LINE Thailand and Japan, Naver for Korea, and ZhaoVN for global Chinese readers for social news and updates.

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