Product data feeds or also known as shopping feeds are in the form of CSV, TXT, or XML files that contains information about your products. This type of feed is usually used in product marketing channels on platforms like Amazon, Google, and Facebook.
Why is product feeds vital to eCommerce marketers?

Shopping channels require the submission of product data to generate product feeds. Most eCommerce campaigns employ product feeds to gather product data from different places.
Shopping channels and marketplaces use the product data as a sign to know the campaign quality. Most of these channels check the data in your feed to compose decisions as to whether they would show your product on a search query.
Product feeds can either bring success or failure to the merchant’s e-commerce campaigns.
Benefits Of Having An Optimised Product Feed

Better Quality Scores
Channels and their algorithms decide what listings to show to the shoppers through your product data. Everything in the product feed affects everything and the more complete the data product, wins every time.
Data Accuracy
Ensure that your product listings match your store data, up-to-date and that they are all current. Old and inaccurate data on your product listings give your buyers a bad shopping experience and can cost you kicked out on some channels.
Flexible Product Data
If the merchants pay dollars to different marketing channels in order to gain impressions and clicks, make sure to stick to the best practices that will help you achieve the most conversions. Product feeds offer flexibility over your product data, it allows you to edit and improve your store’s data in order to increase impressions.
For more information about Google Merchant Center Feed Rules, check out their Help Center article.
Increase traffic and sales to your e-commerce store by setting up your Google Shopping account. Contact us and we will help you set it up right away.
About D38 Ecommerce Agency
D38 is a South East Asia-focused e-commerce agency that provides end-to-end e-commerce solutions to grow your business in the digital space and generate ongoing monthly revenue. Our e-commerce solutions range from website development, store management, logistics, CRM, customer loyalty programs, automated email marketing, SEO, marketing tools, product press-release (PR) to reputation management – helping international companies simplify e-commerce management across ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Our team consists of certified Shopify eCommerce experts, designers, developers, content creators, and strategists working together to support and provide a seamless online shopping experience for our clients’ eCommerce websites.
We also have a market-specific digital channels team focusing on providing support for LINE Thailand and Japan, Naver for Korea, and ZhaoVN for global Chinese readers for social news and updates.
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