Digital Marketing Guides

Assisi Hospice Goes Digital for Fun Day

Media Buy Campaigns in Singapore: Assisi Hospice Goes Digital for Fun Day | Digital 38

Singaporean charity group Assisi Hospice has a lot in store for their Fun Day, and they are inviting the public to join by leveraging media buy campaigns, targeting audiences in Singapore. 

Assisi Hospice has launched a digital edition of its Fun Day 2022. Dubbed as their annual ‘blockbuster event’, the institution is anticipating to welcome dozens of individuals to participate in the festivities as well as interact with people running the charity.  

Part of the Fun Day is Assisi Hospice’s fund-raising activity. For this year, they will be hosting an e-fund-raising.  

With the e-fund-raising, Assisi Hospice can get in touch with more individuals, organizations and companies from different parts in Singapore as well as nearby Southeast Asian markets.  

However, to do this effectively, they need to find the right channels in connecting with their target audiences. And so, Assisi Hospice relied on digital marketing strategies to push not just Fun Day 2022’s e-fund raising event, but also the institution’s cause and values.  

Assisi Hospice deployed digital and social media marketing tactics to spread the word about Fun Day 2022. They crafted a comprehensive plan, that spans Search Engine Marketing, Google Display Network, YouTube Ads, and Facebook and Telegram, in promoting Fun Day 2022 and its e-fund raising activity.  

About Assisi Hospice 

Assisi Hospice is one of Singapore’s leading institutions that provide palliative care. They provide home, inpatient and day services to patients as well as their families.  

Plan your Digital Marketing Journey with Digital 38 

If you want to explore more about media buy campaigns, and the rest of the digital marketing landscape in Singapore, then you’ve come to the right place. You can check out our previous case studies, featuring local and international brands. Just click the links below. 

You can also consult our team of specialists who can guide you in doing digital marketing the right way. Our experience in key ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has supported dozens of brands and institutions like Assisi Hospice reach their goals.  

Contact us today.

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