Digital Marketing Guides

Introduction to TikTok for Business

Here’s Why Your Brand Needs TikTok for Business | Digital 38

Ever wondered how brands are conquering in TikTok? Then you’ve come to the right place as we’re about to introduce you to the world of TikTok for Business. 

TikTok Taking Social Media by Storm 

TikTok has made a remarkable dent in the realm of social media.

Despite being one of the younger ones, it has grown, and continues to do so, at a rate no other social networking sites have achieved. German market research firm Statista in 2021 even reported that the app has already gained over 1 billion active users. And TikTok made this achievement barely three years since it was launched.

TikTok’s impact is also evident here in Southeast Asia, with brands, non-profit organisations and public agencies jumping on the opportunity to widen their reach. And in particular, connect with today’s youth. In Singapore alone, it has at least 1.3 million monthly active users.  

What is TikTok for Business? 

For an app with a huge following, surely TikTok can provide several solutions for brands? Fortunately, yes – thanks to TikTok for Business.  

It is the app’s native advertising and marketing platform. And it enables brands to activate their presence on TikTok to engage with its large and diverse userbase. To get started, you need to have your TikTok Business Account.  

TikTok Business Account 

TikTok Business Accounts are public profiles that allow businesses to create and amplify their brand story across the platform. Having one will give you access to a variety of marketing tools on TikTok. These included running video ad campaigns, audience insights, performance metrics and other creative tools such as a gamification feature.  

But launching your Business Account is just the first step in leveraging TikTok for your digital marketing plans. If you need expert guidance in maximising TikTok for your brand’s growth, we can help you.  

Why Brands Need TikTok for Business?

1. Connect & Engage the Next Generation

Savvy brands turn to TikTok when it comes to connecting and engaging with members of the younger generation such as Millennials and Gen Z. In fact, today’s young adults fueled TikTok’s skyrocketing popularity.

2. It’s Unique

Brands bank on TikTok for its ability not only as a channel to run video marketing campaigns. But also, it can provide users with a unique experience, completely different from the rest of the social media sites. In addition, TikTok for Business allows you to explore and leverage trends on TikTok almost hassle-free. You can launch a Branded Content or Branded Challenge using the trending topics and hashtags.  

Learn more about TikTok’s potential for your brand by clicking the links below.

Launch Your TikTok Business Account  

With TikTok for Business, you can reap tons of benefits that would surely help your brand grow. But as long as you’re doing it right. If you need help in getting started with your Business Account, don’t worry. We’ve got your back. 

Contact Digital 38, and let our TikTok specialists guide you towards the right direction.

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