
Paid Search Advertising: Scale Up Your Ecommerce Biz’ Abilities

Paid Search Advertising: Scale Up Your Ecommerce’s Potential | Digital 38

There has been a lot of innovations made in the field of digital marketing but paid search advertising remains one of the most preferred strategies by forward-looking brands. In this article, we will discuss how it can help your Ecommerce business grow. 

Search Engine Marketing or also known as Paid Search Advertising 

Paid search advertising functions similarly as organic search strategies (SEO). And this is why it’s also referred to as Search Engine Marketing or SEM. Both SEO and SEM share the same objectives. 

By carefully selecting the right keywords that will lead potential buyers to your website, they can produce results that are greatly beneficial for your Ecommerce. 

In addition, executing both campaigns do not require too much expenses and labor. 

The most notable difference between paid search advertising different and organic search is that the latter is free while the former is not. Hence, SEM is also called paid search advertising or pay-per-click.

How it Works: Paid Search Advertising

Brands engaging in SEM strategies are guaranteed to have the top-most spots of every SERP. As a result, they enjoy more exposure compared to websites ranked below them. 

You can determine if a site is actively implementing SEM campaigns by the AD button right beside its link. 

Most SEM platforms like Google let brands bid the keywords they want to connect them with their target audiences. In most cases, the higher the volume of keyword being searched on the search bar, the higher the cost.

If you want to learn more on how to bid keywords, give our search marketing specialists a call. 

Or you can also check out our previous articles by clicking the links below. 

Why SEM Can Help Your Ecommerce? 

There are tons of benefits in store for Ecommerce businesses wanting to launch SEM campaigns. 

Aside from boosting their visibility online by gaining more exposure, paid search advertising can also help drive more traffic to your online shop or website, improve your rankings, outperform your competitors, and potentially increase your conversion.

And last but not the least, it allows you to target consumers who are ready to purchase products. After all, every consumer’s first stop in their buying journey is the search engine. 

Partner with Digital 38 for your SEM and Ecommerce Needs

Doing Ecommerce and SEM the right way is essential to ensure your online business’ unhampered growth. This is why you have digital media agencies like Digital 38 ready to support your plans. 

Schedule an appointment with us to know more.

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