Digital Marketing Guides

SEO for Hotels: How to Improve Visibility, Drive More Bookings?

SEO for Hotels: How to Improve Visibility, Drive More Bookings? | Digital 38

Enhance your hotel brand’s online presence, and get more bookings with this quick guide on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is SEO?  

Getting internet users to notice your hotel brand online is one thing. Convincing them to stay on your property via online booking is another. You may have the best-looking website but your sources may only be put to waste if it ranks poorly on Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

It is important for hoteliers and marketers alike to know that the majority of online audiences rarely go beyond the first page of SERPs.  

SEO for Hotels

A study from Zero Limit Web showed that an SERP’s first page accounts for 67.7% of clicks. These clicks, in turn, can be converted into direct bookings, and ultimately revenue for your hotel business.  

So, it is imperative for you to ensure that your hotel ranks high on SERP in order to gain wide visibility, drive more traffic and conversions. But is it possible to do this in a financially sustainably way? Fortunately, yes.  

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation tactics can help you improve your hotel’s exposure on the internet, boost organic traffic, and get more bookings. Read on as we provide you with some suggestions on how you can get started with SEO for your hotel.  

Suggestions & Tips  

Unique Content

Search engine bots prioritise websites with unique content on the results page. This is why marketers and digital marketing professionals highly discourage brands, including hotels, from duplicating texts and other contents. For hoteliers, you must keep your copies original and enticing for potential visitors.  

Get Your Business Listed on Google Business

Your hotel must also get listed on Google’s local SEO or local search. But first, you need to sign up for your business on Google Merchant Center.  

You’ll have to launch your official Google Business Profile, and submit all relevant information about your hotel. Google, for their part, will be using the details you submitted to not only include you in their local listings but also improve your visibility on their SERPs.  

Local SEOs are crucial for businesses with physical stores and properties, such as hotels, and want to leverage internet traffic to drive sales and revenues. If you want to learn more about Google Business and Google Merchant Center, read our previous articles below.  

Keyword Research

Keywords lie at the heart of every SEO tactic. Strategically and meticulously selecting the keywords that fit your business can help you connect with the right audience.  

Before you can start building your SEO plans for your hotel, you might want to take a look at the facts and figures behind the keywords you will be using. Keyword planning tools such as Semrush and Google Keyword Planner can provide you with more insights about the words and phrases you plan to bid on.  

Learn More About SEO with Digital 38  

Having an SEO strategy does not have to be complicated and time-consuming for it to be successful. As long as you have the right people guiding you on how to execute it efficiently and effectively. If you’re looking for SEO specialists who can support your business’ next chapter, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Digital 38 has teams in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Our experience and solid understanding in Southeast Asia’s digital marketing landscape have helped hundreds of brands with their growth. 

Schedule an appointment with us today.

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