Digital Marketing GuidesSearch Marketing

Quick Guide: How SEO Can Help You Get People to Visit Your Mall?

SEO for Malls: A Quick Guide | Digital 38

Did you know that digital marketing tactics such as SEO can help you attract more people to visit your mall? 

SEO for Malls: Why It’s Important?  

You read that right. The growing number of people turning to the internet for nearly every aspect of their lives has, in turn, underscored digital marketing’s role in helping brands grow.  

Digital marketing solutions such as SEO or organic search, for one, enabled brands – from hotels to healthcare service providers – to stand out from the rest of the competition online. And even contribute to an increase in revenues! 

But what about malls and members of the retail sector? Can they benefit from SEO, too? Of course! SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation, refers to the strategies meant to help your website rank high on search engine platforms like Google. And SEO can help malls increase brand awareness, connect with the relevant audience, and even get more people to visit their establishments.  

Read on as we elaborate why SEO for malls is important.  

Bolsters Your Presence  

In every digital marketing campaign, having a website is essential. But it’s not enough to have a live, functioning and well-designed site. You need visitors in order to generate traffic which can lead to conversions. And you need SEO to help your website gain more exposure.  

With the right SEO strategies, your mall’s website might even land on the topmost port of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). And therefore, getting more visibility, more clicks and potentially, more conversions. Remember, the first page of every SERPs accounts for around 65% of the clicks on the internet.

Beat Out Competition 

When done efficiently and effectively, SEO can be turned into a competitive advantage for your brand. Sustaining a strategically planned SEO campaign can help you outperform your competitors who, most likely, want the same eyeballs you need to generate traffic to your website.  

Lead People to Visit Your Mall 

And most important of all, having SEO tactics can lead people to actually visit your mall. In doing SEO, you need to make sure your website contains relevant information about your mall.  

It is imperative that your site contains at least your mall’s address, operating hours, contact details, and business name. As these will help you get detected by search engine crawl bots who, in turn, will prioritise your listing on the SERP.  

Get Started on SEO Marketing with D38  

It may sound like a long shot but even Google’s own statistics showed that search engines have hugely contributed to foot traffic in brick-and-mortar stores.  

Google reported that 76% of people who do local search through their smartphones visit a physical place within 24 hours. Moreso, 28% of these searches actually result in a purchase.  

You can also take a look at our previous articles to help you learn more about the potential SEO can bring to your brand’s growth. 

If you need further assistance in exploring the digital marketing landscape, then we’re here for you. 

Contact us today.

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