
Google Shopping Ads: Search Ads Built for Ecommerce

Google Shopping Ads: Search Ads Built for Ecommerce | Digital 38

Did you know that Google Shopping Ads basically function like SEO? Learn more about this handy digital marketing tool for your Ecommerce business.  

Introduction to Google Shopping Ads 

As the world’s leading search engine, Google offers a plethora of business and marketing solutions for owners and marketers online. Aside from organic and paid search tools such as keyword generators and pay-per click (PPC) ads, Google also has its Merchant Center that enables brands to launch Shopping Ads. 

Google Shopping Ads are product ads displayed on the topmost portion of Google’s search engine results page (SERP). However, they should not be confused with Google’s Search Ads. They may function similarly but Shopping Ads have the ability to showcase images of your products whereas Search Ads are only limited to texts.  

Take a look at how brands are leveraging Google Shopping Ads for their marketing goals by reading our previous articles below.  

Why It’s Good for your Ecommerce Biz?  

Savvy brands know that search engine platforms are one of the most effective channels in driving traffic and sales to their online shop. The explanation behind this phenomenon is rather simple. When it comes to online shopping, buyers turn to search engine bars to look for products and brands. Google’s own research showed that 86% of consumers look for shopping ideas and inspirations online.  

Aside from brand and product discoveries, customers are often more motivated to buy something when they are on the internet. According to Google, 84% of internet users will take action within 24 hours after doing even the slightest brand and product searches online. This includes the time they take in reading customer reviews and comparing prices across dozens of brands and retailers.  

And last but not least, product and brand ads have proven themselves as effective strategies to encourage online shoppers to take action. Google found out that ‘visually rich and content’ often spark action among online buyers. Around 73% of internet users are more interested in a brand or product advertised through visually appealing ads.  

Altogether, these benefits can be made possible with the help of a simple yet effective Google Shopping Ads campaign.  

Launch Your Google Shopping Ads Today

Today’s generation of consumers are more skeptical towards traditional advertising methods. Availability and accessibility to information related to products and brands have paved the way for the age of ‘consumer empowerment’. As shoppers take more time in learning about brands and products before actually purchasing them, Google Shopping Ads can come in handy.  

If you want to learn more about Google Shopping Ads and other paid search solutions for your Ecommerce business, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Contact Digital 38 today, and let our team of specialists guide you in doing Ecommerce advertising the right way.

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