
Quick Guide: Boost Sales by Advertising on Lazada

Quick Guide: Boost Sales by Advertising on Lazada | Digital 38

Learn how to drive traffic and sales to your online business by advertising your products and brand on Lazada.  

Lazada’s Legacy in Southeast Asia 

When it comes to Ecommerce in Southeast Asia, Lazada is one of the biggest names. The virtual marketplace arm of the Alibaba group in the region currently boasts over 560 million users, over 155,000 sellers and more than 3,000 brands.  

Savvy businesses know that when expanding in Southeast Asia, or in any of its key markets such as Singapore, they should establish an online presence through Lazada. 

As an Ecommerce platform, Lazada allows you to set up a virtual store and sell your products to thousands of buyers using the app on a daily basis.  

But opening your Lazada shop is only the first step. You need to drive traffic, clicks and conversions to help your business’ growth. And one way of doing this is advertising your products and brand on Lazada itself.  

Advertising on Lazada 

Sellers on Lazada have the ability to promote their products and brand within the platform. You can choose from launching campaigns to putting your items on the topmost portion of Lazada’s search results page. Read on as we discuss each one of them.  

Lazada Campaigns 

Ever came across huge sale events such as 11.11, Mid-Year Festival or Lazada’s Birthday Month? These are campaigns initiated by Lazada to help sellers get more visitors and sales. Brands usually participate in Lazada campaigns to boost clicks and revenues.  

Some of the benefits you may get from joining Lazada campaigns include having more store visitors. According to Lazada, campaign visits are 5x higher than the average daily visits. Brands that participate in their campaigns also record the highest revenues during campaigns. 

Joining Lazada’s campaign is pretty easy. All you have to do is to go to your Seller Centre Page then select Promotions. Under Promotions, look for Campaign Management. And then select the campaign you want to be part of, then click Join. 

If you need expert help in doing Lazada Campaign, let us guide you. 

Lazada Sponsored Discovery Solutions  

Sellers looking to advertise specific products on Lazada may want to consider the platform’s Sponsored Discovery Solutions. Lazada Sponsored Discovery Solutions are actually paid search tactics.  

It functions similar to that of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) solutions in which you need to bid for certain keywords that can link your products to the right buyers on Lazada.  

Products advertised through Lazada Sponsored Discovery Solutions often appear at the topmost portion of the platform’s search results page. In turn, you can get more visibility which can be translated to clicks and orders. 

Explore Lazada with Digital 38 

Brands, both regional and international, have discovered the wonders Lazada can do for their business’ overall growth. If you want to learn more about Lazada’s potential for your brand, read our previous articles below.

You can also consult our Ecommerce specialists who can provide you with end-to-end solutions tailored-fit for your online business. 

Schedule an appointment with Digital 38 today.

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