
Shopee Ads: All You Need to Know to Boost Sales

Shopee Ads: All You Need to Know to Boost Your Sales

Millions of buyers across Southeast Asia and Taiwan go to Shopee on a daily basis to search for the products they want.

And you can actually tap this opportunity by promoting your online business within Shopee through Shopee Ads.

What is Shopee Ads?

Shopee Ads allows merchants to create advertisements within the platform, potentially boosting both shop and product exposure, capturing more markets, and increasing sales.

Read on to learn more about it, and find out how we can assist you in starting one.

How to Activate Shopee Ads?

D38 | Shopee Preferred Seller ft img

Creating your ads on Shopee is simple. All you have to do is login on Shopee Seller Centre, and from your dashboard, click Shopee Ads located at the left side of your screen. This can be done through Shopee’s website and mobile app.

But before you can actually publish your ads, you will be asked which types of ads you prefer which we will discuss in the succeeding paragraphs.

Want to know more about Shopee? Check out some related articles below.

Calibrating Your Shopee Ads

In Shopee Ads, sellers can set a budget, timeline, review and modify advertisements, regardless what ad types will be used.

Placing an ad on Shopee is done through bidding. For Singapore-based merchants, lowest rates start at SGD 0.02 per click.

These are paid through sellers’ Paid Ad Credits, which can be topped up in various ways. Shopee also allows you to Auto-Top Up your Paid Ad Credits by linking your Shopee Sellers Wallet.

Types of Shopee Ads

There are three types of Shopee Ads. Let us walk you through each one of them.

1. Product Search Ads

Live Product Search Ads on Shopee’s Search Results Page 

If you want to promote products only on Shopee, then Product Search Ads can be your solution. This type of advertisement mechanism in Shopee is similar to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) among websites as it purely utilises keywords.  

Through Product Search Ads, information and images of what you are selling can be placed at the top spots of Shopee’s search results page. All you have to do is submit the keyword you think is relevant to your product before launching your ad. 

2. Shop Search Ads

Live Shop Search Ads on Shopee’s Search Results Page 

Another type of Shopee’s paid ad is called Shop Search Ads. Its purpose is akin to Product Search Ads, but instead of products, your shop will be featured on the search results page once the seller types the keyword linking to it.  

You also have the choice to set up a landing page and tagline so your shop can really stand out.  

However, Shop Search Ads is a limited option. Only Shopee Mall and Shopee Preferred sellers, and merchants with impressive sales track record and shop ratings can avail of this.  

3. Discovery Ads

Live Discovery Ads on Shopee’s Product Details Page 

The third type of Shopee paid advertisements is the Discovery Ads, which is the platform’s only targeted ads tool. Through Discovery Ads, you will be able to reach out to your desired target markets.  

Products advertised through Discovery Ads will be shown on multiple sections of Shopee including Daily Discovery on the homepage, Similar Products, and You May Also Like section on related product detail pages.  

Live Discovery Ads on Shopee’s Homepage 

It also has additional settings such as the Audience Setting that enables you to customise your audience based on age, gender, locations, interest or behavior which you think are relevant to what you’re selling.  

Another one would be the Display Ad Location that will help you choose which places on the Shopee platform are ideal to put up your ads.  

Why Use Shopee Ads

All You Need to Know About Shopee Ads | Digital 38

Now that we have covered the basics of Shopee Ads, we will enumerate to you several reasons why businesses must consider this as part of their over-all production information management strategy.  

1. Cost-Efficient

They are easy to use, fast, affordable, and have the potential to enhance exposure of your products and your shop, considering that you are competing against thousands of competitors in the platform.  

2. Increase in Sales

Having your products placed on the top spots of Shopee’s search results page will also likely lead to increase in sales as relevant shoppers will no longer have to browse further in search of what they want to buy, and choose the products you’re selling.  

3. Customisable and Measurable

Not only can you customise your Shopee Paid Ads according to your e-commerce goals but it also provides you full-blown reports on they are performing, all in one platform. You can also review and modify them.

Promote Your Products with the Right Experts

In ecommerce, product information management can be a complicated and burdensome task for businesses doing e-commerce. Let Digital 38 help you.

We provide end-to-end ecommerce solutions, enabling you to effortlessly penetrate the digital market across the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), from A to Z, and help grow your business.

Schedule an appointment with our experts to get started.  

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