Case Studies

MarinaOne’s Gamification: An Innovation in Customer Retention Strategies

MarinaOne’s Gamification: An Innovation in Customer Retention Strategies | Digital 38

Finding the perfect customer retention strategies for your business does not have to be complicated and burdensome. Take a cue from Singaporean estate Marina One’s gamification example.  

Marina One’s MOSurprise Flip&Win

Community engagement is essential in keeping your followers and loyal customers happy. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, changed the landscape on how businesses should continually connect with their audiences. Lockdowns and other mobility restrictions made it impossible for anyone to do on-site customer loyalty programs and events.  

MarinaOne, for their part, relied on technology to help them reach their followers despite the distance and limitations. The mall introduced a gamification feature that gives each of its followers and loyal customers a chance to win over 2,400 shop vouchers from affiliate shops.


Called MOSurprise Flip Me!, users on Facebook will only have on the link provided, and flip a card to see if they won. The virtual event spanned 14 days, with several lucky winners per day.  

Loyal Customers Can Help Your Business Grow

Nowadays, it is important for businesses, regardless of their industries and sizes, to make sure they have returning buyers. After all, it’s a fact that maintaining your customer base is easier and more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.  

When disruptive developments like the pandemic happen, technology and other innovative solutions can come in quite handy – like the one MarinaOne demonstrated. 

Want to know more about customer retention strategies? You can click the links to our previous articles below. 

You can also ask our team of marketing specialists who can guide you in doing customer retention strategies effectively and efficiently. 

Schedule an appointment with Digital 38 today.

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