Digital Marketing Guides

3 Reasons Why Google Display Ads are Important for Your Online Biz

3 Reasons Why Google Display Ads are Important for Your Ecommerce | Digital 38

Efficient and effective marketing plans are important for any type of business, even online, and in this article, we will introduce you to Google Display Ads and why it’s important for your Ecommerce.  

Brief Introduction to Google Ads 

Google Ads is the search engine giant’s online advertising platform that allows you to promote your brand and products on Google-owned and affiliated spaces. Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, functions pretty simple. But its impact and abilities are far-reaching, especially when you factor in the fact that Google generates at least 3.5 billion hits per day.  

Operation-wise, Google Ads is a paid search platform. Advertisements are triggered every time a user types in the relevant keywords on the search bar. These ads are often displayed on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

What are Google Display Ads?  

There are several types of Google Ads, including Search Ads, which refer to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ads on Google’s SERPs. While these types of ads aim to drive traffic and conversions to your website, their approach varies. Search Ads displays your website link to the top portion of SERPs. Others, like Shopping Ads and Display Ads, let you advertise rich media contents such as photos and GIFs.  

Google Display Ads, also referred to as Google Display Network, leverages Google-ran platforms such as YouTube, Gmail, Play Store, and their over 2 million third-party website partners to broadcast your ad. Your ad placements may appear on top or on the side of a third-party site or at the start of a YouTube video.* 

Read on as we enumerate to you the top reasons why you should consider Google Display Ads for your Ecommerce.  


1. Cost-Effective

Digital marketing does not have to break the bank in order for them to generate your desired results. Google Display Ads, for one, have been proven to be a cost-effective solution in promoting brands, products and services across the internet. Since it basically runs as a paid search platform, you will only have to bid on the keywords that will link you to the right audience. In addition, you get to set a timeline of your campaign, making it easier for you to set a budget.  

2. Targeting the Right Audience

And speaking of reaching the right audience, Google Display Ads also lets you choose the kind of audience you want for your campaign. Google allows marketers and business owners alike to tailor their target audience according to their location, sex, age group, interests, to name a few.  

3. Can Drive Traffic and Sales

Most importantly, you need ads to help you drive traffic and sales to your website. Google Display Ads, on the other hand, will help you achieve more with its wide network of platforms and partner websites. Its extensive display network and website partners, up to 2 million sites, you can publish your ads virtually anywhere on the internet. *  

*In some cases, Google will automatically choose which website or platform to publish your Display Ads. If you don’t want your brand to be associated with some third-party websites, you can consult our team to learn more.  

Launch Google Ads for Ecommerce 

Bottomline, Google Ads may be the best decision you can make to help your Ecommerce grow. They provide a cost-effective way of reaching out to a wide audience who uses Google on a regular basis. If you want to know more about Google Ads’ potential for your online business, check out our previous articles by clicking the links below. 

You can also schedule an appointment with our team of Ecommerce specialists who can support your brand’s marketing goals.  

Contact us today.

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