Digital Marketing Guides

Handy Google SEO Tools for Your Ecommerce

Handy Google SEO Tools for Your Ecommerce | Digital 38

Get to know these handy Google SEO tools that could help your Ecommerce business grow.  

Why I Need Search Marketing? 

It is critical for Ecommerce owners to make sure their site or online shops are getting enough traffic and sales not only to get through the day. But also, to help their business expand.  

You can do this by promoting your products on virtual marketplaces, or establishing your official channels on various social media sites. But one of the most effective means of driving traffic, clicks, and conversions to your Ecommerce site is search marketing. 

Search marketing refers to the tactics meant to boost your site’s visibility on the results pages of search engines like Google. They can be organic like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or paid such as Search Engine Marketing (SEM).  

Google, for its part, has tons of search marketing programs marketers and business owners can use. And they’re free! Read on as we discuss each Google SEO tools that could greatly help your Ecommerce business.

Want to know more about search marketing? Read our articles below. 

1. Google Keyword Planner

The strategic use of keywords lies at the heart of search marketing. After all, keywords help you connect to the right audiences on the internet. Fortunately, Google has its own Keyword Planner. This lets you identify the right keywords you need in reaching your target audience. With Google Keyword Planner, you can determine the volume of the keywords you selected, current bid prices, and even check out their frequency in a certain location. It comes in real handy especially when you are about to launch Google Search Ads.

2. Google Analytics

When it comes to search marketing, you also need to know how your site and campaigns are performing. Good thing Google Analytics can do these jobs for you. Google’s in-house web analyser provides you with real-time updates on your site’s performance, including which pages users frequently visit. In addition, it tracks the top channels, from social media platforms to search engines, contributing to your site’s traffic. And last but not least, insights from Google Analytics can help you make informed decisions in planning out your next marketing campaign.  

3. Google Trends

Content marketing for your Ecommerce is easier said than done. When implemented inefficiently, it can cost you time, resources and even money. Proper content planning is needed for marketers and business owners to make sure they can generate clicks and sales. This is why Google has Google Trends. Google Trends is a topic research tool that gives you ideas on what internet users are searching on the web. In turn, you can determine which content to prioritise and publish to help your Ecommerce brand stay relevant.  

Launch Your Ecommerce Today 

Ecommerce is an exciting venture for brands that want to join the digital wave. If you need professional help in setting up your online business, then we’re here for you. 

As an official partner of Google, Digital 38 can provide you with end-to-end solutions tailored-fit for your business goals.  

Contact us today.

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