China Digital Marketing

Weibo & Influencers: How You Can Transition Your Brand from Trend Follower to Trendsetter?

Weibo Influencer Marketing: How Your Brand Can Grow into a Trendsetter? | Digital 38

Did you know that combining the powers of Weibo and influencer marketing can help your brand grow exponentially in China?  

Brands should note that knowing the right channels in reaching out to audiences is just the first step in successfully penetrating China’s lucrative market. But if you want to succeed further, you need to establish trust among consumers. You can achieve this with the help of Weibo and the tens of thousands of influencers providing relevant and relatable content to millions of its users. 

What is Weibo?  

For international brands, entering into China’s markets can be quite challenging. The absence of popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and other globally-renowned virtual channels is an obstacle marketers and business owners need to overcome.  

Fortunately, you can tap into China’s 1.4 billion tech-savvy population with the help of homegrown apps and platforms such as Weibo.  

Developed by Sina Corporation, Weibo is a microblogging platform. The name itself literally means ‘microblogging’ in English. It is often considered as China’s equivalent to Twitter.  

With over 573 million monthly active users, as of the last quarter of 2021, it is one of the most popular social media platforms among Chinese markets.  

Weibo’s Highlights 

Like most social networking sites, Weibo can support brands with their marketing goals. Marketers can choose from several of Weibo’s arsenal of marketing tools to boost their latest campaigns.  

You can run ads and open an official and verified account to help your brand awareness efforts. If you want to know more about how brands are leveraging Weibo, check out our previous articles.  

Weibo & Influencers: Force to Reckon With 

But most experts will tell you that if you want to make a big splash among Chinese social media users, and ultimately gain their trust, you need the help of Weibo’s influencers. 

Over the years, Weibo has been the source of major trends in China’s mainstream and pop culture. Most users check Weibo to do trend spotting and learn about the latest entertainment updates. Eventually, it paved way to a thriving and flourishing community of influencers. 

Influencers, also known as key-opinion leaders (KOLs), remain relevant in today’s social media scene. Even with more empowered consumers and audiences, KOLs still have the ability to attract discerning consumers.  

Having the right influencers to spread the word about your brand on Weibo enables you to increase your brand’s visibility. They too can help your brand transform from a newbie to a trendsetter!  

Get Started with Weibo & Influencer Marketing

Expanding your business to massive markets like China, teeming with tons of opportunities, is indeed an exciting milestone for you. And in order to reap these benefits, you must be able to execute your marketing strategies efficiently. 

If you want to know more about China’s digital marketing landscape, you can consult specialists from Digital 38. With over 15 years of experience, we have supported dozens of regional and global brands in their business goals. 

Schedule an appointment with us now. 

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