Digital Marketing Guides

Why Content Marketing Matters for Brands in Singapore?

Why Content Marketing Matters for Brands in Singapore? | Digital 38

Content marketing plays an important role for every brand’s growth and success in Singapore. In this article, we will tell you why your brand needs content marketing strategies, and how to get started.   

Content Marketing: In a Nutshell 

The term ‘content marketing’ often gets thrown a lot. In order to get a simpler but firmer understanding on its concept, let’s breakdown the two words that comprise the term.  

First, content. We all know what contents are. These are the formats you use in sending out your message to your desired audiences. They can be articles, photos, videos, and even a mini-web game. Marketing, on the other hand, refers to selecting the right channels and strategies in distributing these contents.  

Why is Content Marketing Still Important? 

In marketing, touching base with your target audiences is a must. But business owners and marketers alike should always remember that the whole marketing journey does not end there. You need to gain their trust, seal their loyalty, convert traffic to sales, and so much more!  

Especially in today’s generation of cognisant consumers, traditional, hard-selling tactics may no longer work. Sometimes, they lead potential buyers to look away. And this is where content marketing comes in. 

When done right, content marketing can bring in a lot of benefits for your brand’s growth. Below are just some statistics that may help you convince why you need a well-thought-out content marketing plan. 

  • In 2021, research from Hubspot Marketing Statistics found out that 56% of marketers who leverage blogging found it effective.  
  • Thought-leadership contents have made a significant impact among decision-makers. LinkedIn and Edelman found out that 54% of them spend an hour reading or reviewing this type of content. 
  • Content marketing is a growing trend, with 22% of marketing searching ‘what is content marketing’ on search engine platforms.  
  • Survey from Semrush showed that 73% of companies had successful content marketing campaigns after allocating between 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget to it.  

Case: NSRCC 

Here’s an example of content marketing done right from one of Singapore’s top leisure resort and country club. The National Service Resort & Country Club (NSRCC) launched a two-week online contest on Instagram. The purpose? To help their followers and users on Instagram learn more about their services and brand. And also, to foster relationships with fun and interactive posts.  

Do Content Marketing the Right Way 

If you want to learn more about content marketing, and how brands are leveraging it in key ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) like Singapore, you can click the links below. 

You can also consult our team of specialists who can provide you with the right solutions that can support your brand’s growth. 

Contact us today to learn more.

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