Korea Digital Marketing

Geberit Deploys Naver Marketing Tactics in South Korea

Geberit Deploys Naver Marketing Tactics in South Korea | Digital 38

Swiss multinational company Geberit has employed the help of Naver marketing as it enters markets in South Korea. 

Geberit, which specializes in sanitation, deployed multiple marketing tactics on Naver, South Korea’s reigning No. 1 search engine and website, to reach out to consumers in the peninsula-state. And also, to pump up their brand presence and awareness efforts.  

The company ran PowerContent Ads on Naver which, when clicked, direct users to their Naver Blog.  

What Are Naver PowerContent Ads? 

PowerContent Ads are one of the most popular paid-search strategies Naver offers. It is considered an ‘upgraded’ pay-per-click (PPC) tactic. Brands, like Geberit, using PowerContent Ads have the luxury to put rich media content such as photos and more space for texts.  

And this type of advertising format is rarely heard of in other famous search engine portals. So why does Naver provide brands this particular option? Well, because PowerContent Ads are primarily used to direct users to a Naver Blog page.  

What is Naver Blog?

A flagship product of Naver, Naver Blog was first introduced in 2003. Developers from Naver created Naver Blog to provide businesses an effective channel to connect directly with their target markets or audiences. The core asset of Naver Blog is that texts found on blogs use a conversational tone, encouraging the community to interact with them.  

In addition, brands have their own Naver Blog pages to improve their ranking on Naver’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). As a result, they can gain more exposure and ultimately, outrank the rest of their competitors.  

Naver: Why It’s Your Key to Markets in South Korea?  

South Korea may not fare as well as its neighboring countries – like China and Japan – in terms of population. But it is interesting and important to know just how hyperconnected they are.  

Internet penetration rate in South Korea currently stands at 97 percent, making it the only Asia-Pacific nation to enter in the top five countries with the highest penetration rate. Moreover, South Korean consumers are known for always keeping a mobile phone in their hands.  

South Korea is one of the countries in the world where majority of its population own more than one smartphone, underscoring how they rely heavily on instant messaging and mobile internet in their day-to-day activities.  

All of these findings point and illustrate why South Korea is a lucrative market for brands, both globally and regionally. And the first step in tapping markets in South Korea is by leveraging Naver. 

Want to know more about Naver? Read our previous articles below.  

Venture into Naver Marketing in South Korea with Digital 38  

You can also seek expert advice and guidance from Naver specialists of Digital 38 if you’re interested to learn more. We have local teams from South Korea, ready to assist you in your digital marketing plans.  

Schedule an appointment with us today. 

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