Digital Marketing Guides

NYP Introduces Poly Life to Gen Z through TikTok Ads

Tiktok Ads: How NYP Introduces Poly Life to Gen Z | Digital 38

Singapore’s Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) found the right answer to connect with members of Generation Z: TikTok ads.  

And the Singaporean educational institution launched a series of ads on TikTok for its Early Admissions Exercises (EAE) festival this year, giving Gen Z-ers a glimpse of what polytechnic life looks like.  

NYP’s in-feed TikTok ads are targeted to young adults in Singapore, age 15 years old to 17 years old, encouraging them to secure not only their spot but also their future.  

In doing so, they will be redirected to the EAE webpage, ultimately driving traffic to NYP’s website and increasing sign-ups for EAE. 

Screenshots of Nanyang Polytechnic’s in-feed TikTok Ads for EAE 2021 

The EAE is an aptitude-based admissions exercise in which selecting and admitting future students in NYP will be based on their aptitudes and interests, and not on academic results. 

TikTok Ads & the Youth

Mobility restrictions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic still lingered in 2021, making it even more important for schools and universities to reach out to prospective students through social media platforms.  

And TikTok, with its monthly active user base of 1.3 million in Singapore, coupled with its popularity among today’s youth, served as an opportunity for Nanyang Polytechnic to invite more young Singaporeans to register for EAE. 

Want to learn more about how to leverage TikTok Ads for your marketing plans? Click the links below.  

Launch Your Digital Advertising Campaign with Digital 38 

In today’s challenging and highly dynamic times, leveraging digital ads to reach out to your desired audience is more crucial than ever. This is where Digital 38 comes in.  

Contact us now, and our team of experts in media buying is ready to guide you in effectively executing your next campaign.

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