
Yuan Skincare’s Blue Hope Project: How Ecommerce Biz Can Boost their Brand Value?

How Ecommerce Biz Can Boost their Brand Value through Green Marketing? | Digital 38

Taiwanese beauty brand Yuan Skincare is stepping up its Ecommerce marketing as it launched an initiative to raise awareness on reducing plastic dependency. 

Through Blue Hope project, Yuan Skincare was not only able to educate consumers on the harm of relying on single-use plastic, and the importance of promoting sustainability among Singaporean households.  

It also allowed the skincare brand to increase its value.  

Blue Hope by Yuan Skincare 

Yuan Skincare’s Blue Hope campaign, launched during Earth Day in April, aims to help consumers in Singapore adapt an eco-friendlier lifestyle by introducing to them their handmade, cold-processed bar soaps.  

Cold-processed bar soaps are great alternatives to bathroom essentials that usually come in plastic bottles which, when discarded, are most likely to end up in important bodies of water like rivers and the ocean.  

Blue Hope consists of three cold-processed bar soaps, suitable for cleansing hair, face, and body. And for every purchase made, $10 goes to the Blue Hope Fund, to support water sustainability efforts at the polluted Mekong River, also known as the “River of Plastic”, running through Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and China. 

Read more about Blue Hope by clicking the link below. 

Why Green Marketing is Important for Ecommerce?  

With today’s empowered consumers, it has become a crucial factor for Ecommerce brands like Yuan Skincare to leverage green marketing tactics to increase its overall value, potentially allowing them to also widen their presence, and improve sales.  

Blue Hope project is an excellent example of green marketing, which enables businesses to showcase how they are taking conscious and proactive efforts in saving the environment.  

If you want to know more how Ecommerce brands can leverage green marketing for their own goals, read our previous articles.

Get Started on Green Marketing with Digital 38 

Buyers are becoming increasingly aware on businesses doing sustainable practices, whether they are inside brick-and-mortar stores or scrolling the latest product catalogue of an online store.   

And eco-empowered brands in Ecommerce certainly have an advantage compared to the rest.  

You can start capitalising your green business on Ecommerce with the help of experienced agencies such as Digital 38. 

Contact us today.  

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