Korea Digital Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Naver Brand Search Ads

Naver Brand Search Ads: Everything You Need to Know | Digital 38

If you have launched a digital marketing campaign targeted towards Korean audiences, then you must know all about Naver Search Ads.  

What is Naver?  

Naver is South Korea’s largest search engine portal. It is not only the country’s equivalent to Google but it has also denied the internet giant the crown as the most widely used site in its home country for years.  

According to a recent survey by Nielsen, Naver remains the most visited website in South Korea in 2021, after hitting 27.8 million unique visitors.  

It is also the country’s top search engine platform in terms of market share. Naver’s share is at least 70%. Google, with 23%, only comes second.  

With figures like these, it’s no surprise why brands choose to include Naver as part of their digital marketing solutions geared towards consumers in South Korea.  

Curious to know more about Naver, and what it can do you for your brand’s overall growth? Check out our previous articles below. 

Introducing Naver Brand Search Ads 

There are actually multiple options for you on how to advertise on Naver. You can publish your ads through Content Search, Website Search, Shopping Search and the most popular one – Brand Search.  

Brand Search Ads are ads displayed through searches that match your brand or its related keywords. Selecting this particular paid-search tactic guarantees you the top spot of Naver’s search engine results page.  

You must also take note that Brand Search Ads are paid upfront. How much you will be paying depends on the volume of the keywords you have chosen. 

One of the benefits of doing Brand Search Ads on Naver is that it increases exposure of your brand, by securing the best position on the search engine results page.  

Users typing your brand on the search engine bar will not only see your official website but also contents linked to your brand, and its related keywords, such as texts, images, videos and even online shops!

Engage in Naver Marketing Services with Digital 38  

South Korea’s hyperconnected markets are opportunities brands should not miss, especially when they are looking to widen their reach, and increase brand awareness. And advertising on Naver is only one solution.  

Aside from Search Ads, Naver also offers other digital marketing services such as SEO, and many more.  

Contact our team of Naver specialists now to learn more, and how to get started on Naver marketing.

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