Korea Digital Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Naver Power Content Ads

featuredimagNaver Power Content Ads: All You Need to Know to Boost Your Brand’s Power | Digital 38 e

When it comes to paid search marketing in Korea, Naver often comes into mind. But did you know you can elevate your Naver search marketing tactics through PowerContent Ads? 

Introducing Naver PowerContent Ads 

PowerContent Ads is a type of advertising format on Naver that allows you to scale up your brand awareness efforts in front of millions of Koreans using the search engine in a daily basis.

Think of it as Naver’s PowerLink Ads format but this time, you have more space to describe your brand and even complement it with an image!  

Benefits of Naver PowerContent Ads 

When it was introduced, the primary objective of Naver Power ContentAds is to drive traffic and impressions to your Naver Blog.  

If you haven’t started with Naver Blog, don’t worry. We got you covered. Just give our specialists a call anytime.  

While your basic PowerLink Ads helps you increase your brand’s exposure on Naver’s search engine results page (SERP), PowerContent Ads potentially takes this benefit to another level.  

PowerContent Ads are displayed not only on SERPs but also on Naver’s zoom website, mobile news, blog, café, jisik in, Boom, and even Web novel. 

Every time users clicks on it, they will be redirected to your Naver blog page. Hence, making it ideal in cases when you want to promote your brand’s contents.

In turn, PowerContent Ads allow your brand to reach out to audiences through multiple touchpoints in one go, ultimately giving you greater visibility and a wider presence within Naver.  

Why Choose Naver?  

South Korea is undeniably a lucrative market for brands looking to grow.  

It has a smaller population compared to neighboring markets in Mainland China and Japan. 

But thanks to its hyperconnected audience, tapping into it through digital marketing strategies won’t be a major problem. And advertising on Naver is one of the top choices. 

In 2021, it remains as the most visited website in South Korea, reaching 23 million visits, according to a recent survey by Nielsen – Korea.  

Curious to know more about Naver and Korea’s digital marketing landscape? Check out these articles.   

Why Choose Digital 38?  

But connecting with consumers in Korea through Naver sounds easier than done. After all, you need to submit several requirements and proof of business before you can start launching your marketing campaigns on the platform.  

This is why you need the help of Naver specialists from Digital 38 not only to guide you in the right direction but also to simplify the entire process. 

We are a digital media agency, with headquarters in Singapore, that has helped over 100 companies from around the world on their digital marketing goals.  

Contact us today to learn more about our Naver marketing services. 

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